Olive and carob leaf extracts: Health elixir from Nature

Olive and carob leaves, often relegated to simple agricultural waste in the harvesting and valorization of their precious fruits, they actually hide a treasure of properties beneficial to health, a truly generous gift from Nature. Extracted in the form of infusions or tinctures, these leaves transform into powerful allies for our health, offering a natural and safe remedy to take care of your well-being in a complete and sustainable way. And we at “Natives-Towards the Origins”, that we have been carrying out research on the development of businesses and local economies for years, on the importance of the territory and its products…

Ulibbo Best Italian Liqueur at the Italy Food Awards 2023/24

After placing first at the Sicilia Food Awards, Saturday 24 February 2024 at 23 our Ulibbo Liqueur was consecrated at the Italy Food Awards "Best Liqueur in Italy" beating everyone and winning over the first classified in all the Regions of Italy…

Anuga 2023 a Colonia

Great success for Ulibbo at Anuga 2023 a Colonia, the largest global trade fair in the food sector & beverage https://www.nativi.bio/wp-content/uploads/anuga_23_ulibbo.mp4…

Vinitaly 2023

Never change a winning team. Even this year, in the company of our friend Lorena, we are present at Vinitaly. Chef Andy Luotto came by again this year to give us a smile…