Nativi is a project by Verso le Origini (Towards the Origins) farm that was born in Ragusa from an idea developed through years of research. Research based on the development of businesses and local economies, on the importance of the territory and its products, and on the impact that our food choices have on health and the ecosystem

What do we want to do? Finding our roots, get our hands dirty and reap the fruits that Sicily – our wonderful land – this offer. But above all we want to restore value to our products and our traditions

It is precisely from these objectives that the various areas of realization of Towards the origins are born: production of Sicilian PDO extra virgin olive oil, liqueurs with typical Iblean herbs. And then outdoor breeding of Leghorn hens, Spino degli iblei breeding and a project – very ambitious – for the recovery of the Sicilian Barbaresca sheep (a typical breed that, Unfortunately, is on the verge of extinction)

Dog boarding

There are many opportunities (holidays in the first place, but also related to work or family) where it is impossible to take our dog with us or leave him at home. Then it becomes essential to choose the right dog board. You are looking for one in Modica, Ragusa, Victory, Scicli, Comiso? Ours could be just the right one You know why we decided to open a dog boarding house in Ragusa? For over twenty years we have been dedicating ourselves to them with our breeding. We have learned about their needs: all different according to age, breed and size Experience and care: just what you were looking for for your dog. And then maybe even a right location, vero? [ Read more ]

eggs and white Leghorn chickens

We have chosen to breed white Leghorn hens. They are free to run and grow on our land, at their complete disposal. The characteristics of the white Leghorn hens are particular: lively and sociable animals, with a slender and elegant body covered with thick feathers

The eggs of the white Leghorn hens are also white, medium or large. They are particularly protein and low in cholesterol[ Read more ]

Sicilian barbaresca sheep

The recovery of the Sicilian Barbary sheep is one of the main activities of the Nativi project. The Barbaresca sheep - whose cradle of origin is that of the Sicilian hinterland - is a breed that comes from the cross between North African sheep (important during the Arab domination in Sicily) and the Sicilian Pinzirita sheep

The Sicilian Barbaresca sheep has existed for a millennium: it is a historical heritage of Sicily, from the 1987 included in the herd book of breeds. Unfortunately it is in danger of extinction

It is a medium to large sized sheep, from the massive physical structure. White head with scattered black spots, long drooping ears. Double attitude, from meat and milk. Considerable dairy yield in the production of sheep cheeses thanks to the high fat content of its milk (once upon a time a fine pecorino was obtained, now gone)

We have set ourselves a goal: recover this wonderful sheep breed thanks to the involvement of young Sicilians interested in zootechnical and agri-food research. In the not too distant future we want to go back to producing that Monorazza Pecorino di Barbaresca, so dear to our ancestors

Now we can count on XX specimens of adult sheep grazing - free - among olive trees, carob trees and dry stone walls. A sheltered area at their complete disposal. To protect them, gather them and bring them back to the shelter there are our beloved dogs as a shepherd we raise and to whom we have dedicated one of our projects[ Read more ]

Sicilian extra virgin olive oil

For the production of PDO EVO oil, we start with the olive harvest in the countryside of Ragusa. It is a centuries-old tradition, handed down from generation to generation. Secular as i 300 olive trees that grow strong and luxuriant in the Zannafondo estate

When Sicilian olive oil was born? It is the story of many families who - at the turn of summer - from the city they moved with friends and relatives to the countryside to pick olives. Joy, reunification between family and nature. And then the hard work that brought you back to the origins and traditions: those of Sicily, of Ragusa.

Work and satisfaction to bring extra virgin olive oil to the table, a priceless oil.

This is precisely the spirit with which the Sicilian PDO Native extra virgin olive oil is born, obtained by pressing and cold olives from Ragusa[ Read more ]

Hyblaean Spino

The Spino degli Iblei is a dog of ancient origins. Traces of its existence can also be found in several nineteenth-century paintings depicting Sicilian herds and pastures

This breed was born in South Eastern Sicily, between the Iblei Mountains. A sturdy dog, obedient and docile used to defend the flocks of sheep. Proud but sociable look hidden by a long and thick hair

The Spino degli Iblei is a confident and courageous dog, the instinct of protection and defense makes it perfect even in the family: he is sweet and affectionate, it can be supportive in pet therapy

The breed was recognized in 2015 by the National Body of Italian Dog lovers (ENCI) and enjoys pedigree

In Nativi we started breeding the Spino degli Iblei starting from our splendid and sweet Anna Spina. The hope is to be able to spread this breed as much as possible as a sheepdog and companion dog[ Read more ]

Ulibbo, Sicilian liqueur of olive and carob

Sicily, the Ragusa countryside, the sun that illuminates and warms this corner of paradise. And then again the centuries-old olive trees, the majestic carob trees: Ulibbo was born from their leaves and an original family recipe handed down from generation to generation

Ulibbo is a Sicilian liqueur, and Sicily is one of the predominant notes of its flavor that - in addition to carob and olive trees - sees the presence of myrtle leaves

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